Please review the Minutes of our Annual General Meeting. They contain important information regarding the Brian Coburn extension and the Golfland development.
Chapel Hill South Community Association
Annual General Meeting – February 21, 2017
Attendees from the Board of Directors:
President – Donna Leith-Gudbranson
Treasurer – Dan Batista (Absent)
Director of Community Events – James Ikkers
Director of Community Safety – Michael Francis
Director of Communication – Paul Bolt
Director of Community Engagement – Rylee Batista
Directors of Parks – Luc Pedneault and Geoff Lloyd (Absent)
Director at Large – Michel Carrière
Welcome and Introduction of Board Members:
President welcomed all attendees and did a round table
10th Anniversary of CHSCA
As an association we usually hold two annual events: Summer Sizzler and the Winter Classic (now Hockey Day in Canada)
We manage Blue Willow Outdoor Rink
We share a great relationship with our Municipal Councillor, Jody Mitic
Review and Approval of Minutes of last AGM
President’s Report including input from Councillor Mitic’s office:
President’s Report:
Accomplishments in the last year include the creation of the CHSCA website and increased communication via our Facebook Page; ongoing funding has been secured from Friends of Mer Bleue; and we actively participate in Councillor Mitic’s Community Council Meetings.
Our big event in 2017, The CHSCA Summer Sizzler “Canadiana Edition” - Celebrating its 10th Anniversary and Canada’s 150th, will be held at Blue Willow Park on Friday, June 16th. A proposal for funding was accepted by the City of Ottawa for Canada’s 150th celebrations. Special programming will include the National Anthem and other music played by the band and choir from L’École élémentaire publique Le Prélude, period costumes and vignettes by Vintage Stock Theatre, gymnastics and martial arts demonstrations, bands, BBQ and a movie. As always, we are looking for volunteers for this event.
Municipal Update:
Golfland on Innes has been sold to Calvin Developments and a new residential subdivision has been proposed (backing onto Pagé Rd and Nature Trail). The proposed development includes commercial space fronting onto Innes with a mix of 564 town and single dwelling houses, condos and apartments south of the current Golfland course. This subdivision would open onto the north end of Nature Trail via the two open lots (Note: several attending members are concerned about the ensuing increased traffic on Pagé Rd and Creek Crossing). In response to much discussion around this issue, Councillor Mitic stated that nothing has been officially approved to date. Of particular note:
Public consultations will be held in mid-April. Those in close proximity to Golfland (legally 120 m) will be contacted directly. CHSCA will post this meeting on our website and Facebook page.
Richcraft owns the lands around BMR and BMR has not sold their land yet.
Councillor Mitic is very interested in the yet to be proposed commercial space fronting onto Innes (currently Golfland) and would like to see a proposal which markets the area as a ‘destination’ in Orleans.
Brian Coburn Extension:
Brian Coburn (BC) will connect to Navan Rd as of December 2017 via a traffic circle.
The extension of BC at the bottom of the ridge running parallel to Navan Rd towards the Blackburn Bypass is cancelled due to unaffordability and soil instability. On February 1, 2017, the City’s Transportation Committee approved a motion to do an environmental assessment study of an alternate corridor for the Blackburn Hamlet Bypass Extension and Cumberland Transitway. The preferred option would be to realign Renaud Road linking the existing BC to the northern portion of the S turn on Renaud Rd (running parallel to the hydro corridor). This is currently National Capital Commission (NCC) Greenbelt land. The new environmental assessment is expected to be completed 24 months from contract award.
In the interim, Navan Rd will be repaved and a second turning lane will be added at the intersection to turn westbound onto the Blackburn Bypass.
Traffic lights will be installed at Orleans and Navan in the spring of 2017.
The Park and Ride is scheduled to be completed Q4 of 2018.
A new bus route will serve the community starting December 2017. The new route 225 will mimic the 34 route through the community but will take Innes to Blair for the LRT. Two members of the current board were consulted on the route and suggested either the 34 or the new 225 travel down Orleans instead of Longleaf since the buses will run around the same times. This would provide improved service to riders from Pagé Rd, Nature Trail and Noblewood.
Lighting on pathways in ALL parks in CHS will be reviewed in the spring.
Emerging Discussions:
With the increased traffic on Orleans Blvd due to the closure of Pagé Rd, the possibility of reducing the speed limit on Orleans was discussed (currently 50 km/h between Innes and Silverbirch; 60 km/h between Silverbirch and Navan Rd). All agreed that reducing the speed to 50 km/h from Innes to Navan Rd would be ideal. This led to further discussion around the possibility of adding a pedestrian crossing between Blue Willow Park and Blue Willow Drive. Councillor Mitic confirmed that the City has ordered more flashing speed signs. As well, Councillor Mitic has indicated that he will ask for a crosswalk at the point of concern and asked for input on the type of crosswalk. A member indicated there are several ‘fun’ and ‘unique’ ideas for crosswalks globally (he later emailed examples to the board).
DECISION by members:
1. Make the speed limit on Orleans Blvd 50 km/h the entire length through Chapel Hill (from Innes to Navan Rd.)
2. As crosswalks are mandated by the Province, there are only three options available. Decided to request the ‘2nd Option’ which would include lines and signs, but no electrical required.
Treasurer’s Report: Given by James Ikkers for Dan Batista
CHSCA operates two bank accounts: Event Account and the Blue Willow Rink Account
Event account is usually around zero to a few hundred dollars because all money generated comes from the Sizzler and is spent on the Sizzler. The Sizzler typically runs with a budget of close to $9000.
This year, CHSCA was successful in securing a $5000 grant from the City to go towards “The CHSCA Summer Sizzler “Canadiana Edition” - Celebrating its 10th Anniversary and Canada’s 150th” to take place on Friday, June 16th. The proposed budget for this event is set at $20,000.
Blue Willow Rink account: CHSCA enters into an annual contract with the City for approximately $4500 to run the Blue Willow Outdoor Rink. We employ community youth to maintain the rink throughout the season. Currently, this account has approximately $3000 – higher than the norm in part due to the poor weather conditions this winter.
Discussion: The snow blower that is currently owned by CHSCA is in need of repair and might be beyond reasonable repair. It was discussed that these monies could go toward the purchase of a new snow blower for next season.
Further discussion on possible ways to ‘grow’ the accounts of CHSCA. Ideas were given and members were asked to further think of ways, if possible, to raise money.
New initiatives in the community
Membership dues to the association
Ad space on the website
Election of Board Members:
The CHSCA Constitution states that all Officers and Directors are nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting. President, Donna Leith-Gudbranson, proposed three possible scenarios: Vote all positions before end of AGM; delay all elections to a future meeting; adopt a hybrid approach and only nominate and vote for Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer). After all Officers and Directors shared descriptions of their own roles and responsibilities, a motion was made.
MOTION by Rylee Batista: For the members to adopt a hybrid approach at the AGM and nominate and vote for Officers for the CHSCA which will consist of the Executive: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. All other positions on the board to be filled at a future meeting.
Seconded by Paul Bolt
All in Favour
ACTION President to amend the Constitution to reflect this.
President: Donna Leith-Gudbranson - Nominated by Paul Bolt, Seconded by Rylee Batista – Accepted – All in Favour – Passed
Vice President: Paul Bolt – Nominated by Donna Leith-Gudbranson, Seconded by Michel Carrière –Accepted – All in Favour – Passed
Treasurer: As current Treasurer Dan Batista is stepping down and no one present was nominated, this was deferred to a future meeting. Dan Batista will remain as Treasurer till such time. A potential new committee member, who was not present at the AGM, expressed interest in the position of Treasurer. The Executive will follow up. Motioned by James Ikkers and seconded by Paul Bolt.
Secretary: Michel Carrière and Rylee Batista – Nominated as Co-Secretaries by Donna Leith-Gudbranson and seconded by Paul Bolt – Accepted – Passed.
Floor Open to Members:
Laura Dudas, President of Blackburn Community Association: Party in the Quarry at LaFarge on Bearbrook on Saturday, September 9, 2017 (all invited)
Frequency of Annual meetings? Suggestions included quarterly or twice a year. Discussion.
DECISION: Twice a year.
Next Board meeting: April 25th, 2017, which will include the election of Directors and preparation of the Summer Sizzler ‘Canadiana’ Edition.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.