One of the main roles of the CHSCA has been to strengthen our community spirit by hosting an annual community event:  the Summer Sizzler.  It has been held annually since 2007 (except 2 years during the pandemic) and includes events such as a free barbecue, games for the kids, an outdoor movie and exhibits by local merchants.

In May, 2017 we celebrated Canada’s 150th anniversary with our partners at L’École élémentaire publique Le Prélude and the Chapel Hill Retirement Residence with our 11th Annual Summer Sizzler Party.

We are quite proud to provide a voice to residents of Chapel Hill South on a variety of local issues that impact our community such as traffic and public safety, crime prevention and growing local development.  Our voice has also been heard on broader City-wide issues such as the expansion of light-rail transit (LRT), the Kettle Island bridge proposal and the development of the health hub on Mer Bleue Road.   More recently, we have been involved in issues such as the Brian Coburn extension through Chapel Hill South to Navan Road, the permanent closure of Pagé Road, the new Park & Ride on Navan Road and all of the traffic and transit issues that go with these major initiatives.  

We regularly apply for grants from the City of Ottawa and from the Friends of Mer Bleue for projects that enhance our neighbourhoods. In 2015 we repainted the Chapel Hill signs at the entrance of our community and in 2021 the gardens under the sign were refreshed with new plants. In 2017 we applied for a grant to add bulletin boards to Silverbirch and Blue Willow parks so that we could share announcements with our neighbours, such as events and important meetings. In 2017 we also supported local residents in their efforts to add a stop sign at the corner of Longleaf Drive, Montclair Avenue and Shakewood Street.

In the winter, we operate the outdoor rink at Blue Willow park for the enjoyment of our community (the rinks at Silverbirch and Longleaf parks are run by the city). We seek out and coordinate volunteers to maintain the rink throughout the season and have previously held events here, such as the Winter Classic.

Kids and parents with their arms straight out


The CHSCA is pleased to work closely with our neighbouring community associations on many of the aforementioned issues as well as community clean-up days and community garage sales.

Kids raising their hands


The CHSCA represents YOU!  If you live in the community, you are already a voting member. Our main goal this year is to improve our communication with you, our neighbours and community members.  Our Annual General Meeting will be held on the second Wednesday of April each year. Check this website or our Facebook group for updates.  New ideas are always welcome!  If you would like more information or would like to submit an agenda item for the meeting, please contact us at chapelhillsouth@gmail.com