Chapel Hill South Community Association Bursary 

Contact Information

Value # of Awards Due Date of Application

$500 1-3 based on annual budget September 30th every year

Submit to : President, Chapel Hill South Community Association (


The Chapel Hill South Community Association (CHSCA) is a not-for-profit organization that was established for the betterment of residents of Chapel Hill South. Over the years, numerous members of the community have volunteered countless hours towards this organization so that it can continue to serve the community through hosting events, organizing meetings, responding to concerns and providing a consolidated voice to greater municipal issues.  The youth of Chapel Hill South have been invaluable over the years in the execution of awareness campaigns, hosting events, beautification projects, and maintaining the outdoor rink.

The purpose of the CHSCA Bursary is to annually recognize and support an exceptional youth in our community as a way of bringing awareness to the importance to volunteerism in and around our community.


The CHSCA Bursary will be granted annually to one individual who meets the following criteria:

  • Completes the application process on time

  • Lives within the CHSCA recognized boundaries (or main residence of 1 or both parents)

    • Navan Rd/Innes Rd/Brian Coburn Blvd (Currently includes new Caivan Community)

  • Proof of full-time studies (current or accepted) at a recognized post-secondary institution (University, College, Trades School)

    • Must be attending full-time

  • Demonstrated volunteerism within CHS and/or the greater community (Orleans) 

    • Estimated hours of volunteerism 

    • Letter of support

Selection Process:

The CHSCA Board of Directors will convene a selection committee of no less than three members to review all applications. No Director with a child or family member applying may be on the selection committee.  An agreed to evaluation matrix will be established prior to the application deadline.

The chosen recipient will be named at the CHSCA quarterly board meeting in October.


2023 Winners: 2024 Winner:

Katie Schliebener Bianca Wallis

Carmen Caputo

Meghan Hayley